Chart of Account
Bạn dùng tạm cái này vậy nhé
Acc Acc Name
111 Cash in hand
1111 Vietnamese currency
1112 Foreign currency
1113 Gold, silver, precious stone
112 Cash in banks
1121 Vietnamese currency
1122 Foreign currency
1123 Gold, silver, precious stone
113 Money in transit
1131 Vietnamese currency
1132 Foreign currency
121 Short-term securities investment
1211 Stocks
1212 Bonds
128 Other short-term investment
129 Provision for the short-term investments devaluation
131 Receivable from customes
133 Value added tax is deducted
1331 From goods sale and services
1332 From fixed assets
136 Intercompany receivable
1361 Working capital from sub-units (spent by higher level)
1368 Other internal receivables
138 Other receivables
1381 Pending assets (loss under pendency)
1388 Others receivable
139 Provision for bad receivable
141 Advances
142 Prepaid expenses
1421 Prepaid expenses
1422 Pending expenses for transfer
144 Mortage, collateral and short-term deposits
151 Purchased goods on transit
152 Raw material
1521 Main material
1522 Subordinate material
1523 Fuel
1524 Accessories
1525 Contruction material
1526 Recycle material
153 Instructments and tools
1531 Instructments and tools
1532 Wrappings
1533 Instrucments and tools for lease
154 Cost for working progress
155 Finished product
156 Goods
157 Entrusted goods for sale
159 Provision for devaluation of stocks
161 Administrative expenses
1611 For previous year
1612 For this year
211 Tangible fixed assets
2112 Building and architectonic model
2113 Equipment and machine
2114 Transportaiton and transmit instrument
2115 Instruments, tools for management
2116 Long-tem trees, working and produced animals
2118 Other fixed assets
212 Fixed assets of financial leasing
213 Intangible fixed assets
2131 Land using right
2132 Publishing right
2133 Copyrights and creations
2134 Cost for brand name
2135 Cost for computer software
2136 Patents
2138 Other intangible fixed assets
214 Depreciation of fixed assets
2141 Depreciation of tangible fixed assets
2142 Depreciation of finance lease assets
2143 Depreciation of intangible fixed assets
221 Long-term securities
2211 Stocks
2212 Bonds
222 Joint-venture capital contribution
228 Other long-term investment
229 Provision for long-term investment devaluation
241 Capital construction in process
2411 Fixed assets purchases
2412 Capital construction
2413 Major repair of fixed assets
242 Long-term prepaid expenses
244 Long-term collateral and deposit
311 Short-term borrowings
315 Long-term loans due to date
331 Payables to seller
333 Taxes and obligations to state budget
3331 Value added tax
33311 From output
33312 From imports
3332 Special turnover tax
3333 Import, export tax
33331 Export tax
33332 Import tax
3334 Income tax from enterprise
3335 Capital earnings (Capital tax)
3336 Natural resource tax
3337 Land and house tax, land lease charges
3338 Other tax
3339 Fees and other payables
334 Payable to expenses
335 Payable expenses
336 Internal payables
337 Payable for planing of construction contracts
338 Other payables
3381 Pending assets
3382 Trade Union fees
3383 Social insurance
3384 Health insurance
3387 Unearned revenue account
3388 Others payablle
341 Long-term borrowings
342 Long-term lpsmd
343 Bonds
3431 Cost of bonds
3432 Discount of bonds
3433 Gain of bonds
344 Receipts of long-term collateral and deposit
411 Working capital
4111 Working capital from government
4112 Working capital self-supplement
4113 Working capital from joint-venture investers
4114 Working capital from shared investers
412 Difference upon asset revaluation
413 Exchange rate differences
4131 Exchange rate differences at end of year
4132 Exchange rate differences at investment
4133 Exchange rate differences from financial report translation
414 Development investment funds
4141 Development investment funds
4142 Trainning and scientific research funds
415 Financial reserved fund
416 Unemployment reserved fund
421 Undistributed profit
4211 Previous year's profit
4212 Current year's profit
431 Welfare and Reward funds
4311 Reward fund
4312 Welfare fund
4313 Fixed assets invested from welfare fund
441 Construction capital sourses
451 Management funds of higher level
461 Administrative fund
4611 Of previous year
4612 Of current year
466 Fixed assets invested form administrative fund
511 Sale turnover
5111 From goods sale
5112 From products sale
5113 From services
5114 Susidy from government
512 Internal sele turnover
5121 From goods sale
5122 From products sale
5123 From services
515 Incomes from financial activities
521 Discount of paying
5211 Goods discount of paying
5212 Products discount of paying
5213 Service discount of paying
531 Return of sold goods
5311 Return of sold goods
5312 Return of finished products
532 Devaluation of sale price
5321 Devaluation of goods sale price
5322 Devaluation of products sale price
5323 Devaluation of services sale price
611 Purchasing
6111 Purchasing materials
6112 Purchasing goods
621 Cost for direct raw materials
622 Cost for direct labours
623 Cost for construction machine
6231 Employees
6232 Materials
6233 Instructments
6234 Depreciation of construction machine
6237 External services
6238 Others by cash
627 Factory overhead
6271 Indirect labour
6272 Use of auxiliary materials
6273 Use of tools and supplies
6274 Depreciation
6277 Services rendered
6278 Sundry costs paid in cash
631 Production cost
632 Original price of goods for sale
635 Financial activities costs
641 Sales costs
6411 Employees
6412 Materials and wrappings
6413 Stationaries for sale
6414 Depreciation of fixed assets
6415 Warranty expenses
6417 External services
6418 Others by cash
642 Enterprise administration expenses
6421 Employees and managers
6422 Administrative materials
6423 Offices's equipments
6424 Depreciation of fixed assets
6425 Taxes, fees and charges
6426 Provisions
6427 External services
6428 Others by cash
711 Uncertain incomes
811 Uncertain costs
911 Evaluation of business results
001 External leases
002 Raw materials and goods entrusted for keeping and processing
003 Goods entrusted for sale and deposit
004 Settled bad loans
007 Foreign currencies
008 Budget ceiling
0081 Central budget ceiling
0082 Local budget ceiling
009 Depreciation capital sources